Friday, March 25, 2011

Simplify, Simplify, Simplify!

Now that I have two web sites, and, I have decided to simplify things for myself and move to one blog on the platform.

Ultimately, what I do is help you discover who you are and what you came here to do and we work together to align your life gracefully in the direction of your true work and/or your heart's desires.

Feng Shui is one of the tools I incorporate in my work, as it is one of my true loves and has played such a big part in my life and I can say, without a doubt, your environment plays such a significant role in helping you to manifest whatever it is your heart yearns for.  So I would love for you to visit me at:

Abundant Blessings,

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Getting Unstuck

We all go through times in our life when we feel "stuck," however, when we're in the midst of our "stuck-ness," what we sometimes forget is what Albert Einstein knew so well - we can never solve a problem from the same level of consciousness that created it.

Since your home is a metaphor for your life, one way to transcend being "stuck" is through clearing the stuck energy (chi) in your home.  Stuck energy shows up as physical, emotional and mental clutter.  These three types of clutter are interconnected and often exist simultaneously.  By focusing on and taking action toward clearing your physical, emotional and mental clutter, you'll free up energy for living in the present, gain a new perspective on what's been keeping you stuck and create the space for a new and beautiful future.

The key to bringing harmony to your heart, mind and home is to clear your inner (emotional and mental) and outer (physical) clutter simultaneously.  Clearing physical clutter means being mindful of every object in your home and keeping only the things you truly love, use or absolutely need.  A considerable amount of energy, time and space is taken up by all your unloved, unused and unnecessary stuff.  

What can be even more challenging than clearing your physical clutter, however, is clearing your inner (emotional and mental) clutter.

Your emotional clutter consists of the clutter you carry around in your heart and includes:
  • regrets
  • unfulfilled dreams
  • losses that you have not grieved
  • unexpressed feelings in your heart
  • fears that you have not faced
  • negative friends, companions, colleagues
  • people and situations from your past that you have not released
Your mental clutter consists of the clutter you carry around in your head and includes:
  • old belief systems
  • guilty/blaming thoughts
  • schedules that are too full
  • decisions you've put off making
  • judgments you harbor about yourself or others
  • old habitual thought patterns which don't serve you
  • lists of tasks waiting to be completed (excludes things you are currently working on)
To get started on clearing your inner clutter, go through each of the nine areas of life, which correspond to the Bagua (you may download a free Feng Shui Bagua Map on my web site, and take a written inventory of the mental and emotional clutter that resides in each of these areas.  Once you've completed your inventory, ask yourself what you need to do in order to clear each of the items on your inventory list and write that down.  Now beginning with the area of life where you feel the most "stuck," do what you've noted needs to be done - get down to the business of creating the space for you to become unstuck and manifest your heart's desires.

Clutter clearing is one of the fastest ways to becoming "unstuck" in life, but proceed carefully.  Clearing too much clutter too fast can make you feel sick, as you need time to adjust to so many changes at once.  You could also find yourself inundated with massive disruptions in your life if you make too many changes too quickly.  Proceed slowly and your entire life can change with grace and ease - just like magic!

Abundant Blessings,

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Relationships - Your True Currency

Since we began last week with the annual commemoration of Saint Valentine's Day, I thought I would begin my week off by writing about the "R" word - Relationships.

We are not separate from the world we live in - we are all connected and therefore, our true currency comes to us through our relationships with others.  We depend on each other for everything we have in our lives - our food, our clothing, our homes, our cars, our money and so on.  Everything comes to us through other people.  In reality, our relationships are the only true currency we have.

The most important relationship we'll ever cultivate is the relationship we have with our self.  In order to have authentic loving relationships with others, we must first open up the wellspring of love within ourselves.  For it is only through having compassion and love for ourselves that we can truly cultivate compassion and love for others.  We must learn to embrace the beauty of our humanness and live in the frequency of unconditional love with our shadow side.

Since "like attracts like," we attract to ourselves people who mirror our reflection back to us.  Do you like what you see in the mirror?  If not, take time to uncover the lessons you magnetized to yourself to learn without blame, criticism or judgment and move on.  The key to manifesting the relationships you desire is to be the very thing you desire - remember, "like attracts like."  When you rise up to embody the very thing you want to have, you raise your frequency to attract it.

In the deepest sense, your home is also a mirror - it reflects back to you your identity - the inner aspects of yourself.  Once you've taken the time to identify the relationships you would like to create, you may want create a template in your home to set up a new energy field that will assist you in magnetizing the relationships you desire.  

A good place to begin to incorporate a new template for your relationships is none other than the Relationship Area (right, rear section) of your home.  If you're not sure where the Relationship Area of your home lies, I have a free Feng Shui Bagua Map available for download on my web site,

Here are 10 Feng Shui enhancements for incorporating a new energy template in the Relationship Area of your home:
  1. A beautiful rock to add stability
  2. Happy photos of you with people you love
  3. Items in the colors of red, pink and/or white
  4. Pottery, stones, rose quartz and crystals
  5. Hearts or figurines that represent love and friendship
  6. Healthy plants with rounded leaves to stimulate new growth
  7. Pairs of things you love, such as two candles or two lovebirds
  8. Artwork that represents the relationships you would like to have
  9. Affirmations, quotes, poetry or any saying pertaining to love
  10. If you desire a romantic relationship, place objects here that represent romantic love to you, i.e., your favorite flowers or romantic photos
Mindfully place whatever symbolizes love to you throughout your home so that your home is always affirming and reflecting back to you the love and relationships you want to have.

Abundant Blessings,

Saturday, February 19, 2011

New Offerings in 2011

Wow, a lot has happened in my life over the past couple of years - profound healing, learning and growth.  My interactions with clients through my Feng Shui work confirmed what I have been told repeatedly through various intuitive readings I've had over the years - namely, that I am meant to be coaching, teaching and mentoring others.  In 2010, I made the decision to embrace my true work and I completed my training as both a Career Intuitive Coach and Dream Coach®.  This training allows me to do more of what I love and came here to do.  You can read more about my new offerings at

We're living in such interesting times and from a numerological standpoint, 2011 is a "4" universal year, which means it's a year of opportunity and building a firm foundation for plans, dreams, ideas and thoughts.  You will create what you are visioning for yourself and thinking about, so be very mindful about what you are focusing on - focus only on that which you desire.

The number "11" symbolizes a gateway into the unknown.  This year we are all being prompted to make decisions about the direction our life is heading.  We're being asked to make a lot of decisions.  Do not sit on the fence - decide and take action.  Move through the gateway before you and prosper from doing what you love and what you came here to do.  I'd love to be part of your journey, so now through February 28, 2011, I'm offering $100 off my Career Intuitive Sessions.  There's never been a better time to bring your gifts and talents to the world through the great work you came here to do.

Abundant Blessings,

Monday, April 27, 2009

The Transformative Power of Clutter Clearing: An Essential Aspect of Feng Shui

Woohoo! Spring has arrived in Michigan and I couldn’t be more delighted. I love Spring because it always gets my clutter clearing and landscape clean-up juices flowing. My desire to clear out and clean-up has never been stronger, no doubt as part of my healing process, following the sudden, unexpected death of my beloved father in early January. Even though I know life is a cycle and death is part of that cycle, I was devastated by my father’s death and at the same time, I came to realize just how short our time here really is and how easy it is to spend our time getting caught up in acquiring “stuff” rather than doing what we love and connecting with what our soul came here to do.

Clutter is stuck energy (chi) and is symbolic of what is happening in your life. The more clutter you have, the more you will attract into your life. If you feel “stuck” in your life, take a look around your environment and notice what surrounds you. Are you surrounded by things that you love and that contribute to the life you desire or does all your “stuff” keep you stagnant and unable to move in the direction of your dreams? Your environment is a reflection of your inner life, so when you clear your clutter and organize your environment, you also remove the obstacles your clutter represents and create the space for wonderful new opportunities to come your way.

Okay, so you’ve decided it’s time to take action, but have no idea where to start. I suggest you begin small and use a Feng Shui bagua map, available for download on my web site, to assist you in choosing the area of your home/office that corresponds to an aspect of your life that feels stagnant or “stuck.” For those of you who may be unfamiliar with Feng Shui, the bagua is an energy grid, which indicates how the different areas of your home/office relate to the corresponding aspects or “treasures” of your life. Since every aspect of your life is energetically anchored in your living/working environment, you will undoubtedly notice the area(s) of your life that are the most “blocked” are also the most cluttered areas in your environment. Energetically, clutter pulls you down and as a result, if you have a lot of clutter, you may find that you frequently feel frustrated, overwhelmed or exhausted. The good news is, the process of liberating yourself, from these feelings, begins with the simple act of clearing just one drawer. You will find that each small area you clear provides you with more energy to keep going.

As you go about the process of clutter clearing, you may find it helpful to ask yourself the following questions:
  • Do I love this?
  • Do I need this because I genuinely use it?
  • Does this support who I am now?
  • Does this serve as an environmental affirmation for me?
  • Does this evoke positive or negative thoughts, memories or emotions?
Continue at your own pace and keep focused on what you want to create in your life. Remember, your home is a mirror of yourself - why not have it lovingly radiate back to you the life of your dreams?

Abundant Blessings,
Jackie Fitzpatrick